
8 Traits That Will Make You a High Value Woman

The high value woman concept was still a mystery to me not too long ago.

I could see there were women who attract men like bees and others who struggle to get one man’s attention.

I could see there were women who were treated like queens while others were treated like they did not matter and I could not quite get my head around it.

I knew it was not always to do with beauty or youth because some were incredibly beautiful yet not quite successful with men.

So I asked myself these questions.

What makes a woman high value in the eyes of men?

What are the traits of a high value woman?

In this blog post, I am going to dissect the high value woman myth for you and give you the top 8 high value woman traits so that you too can start your journey of becoming a high value woman.

How high value women are perceived by men

I have always been good friends with guys ( having a natural inclination towards having male friends) and so I spend a lot of time around men and I get a chance of observing quite a lot of their behavior around women in general and around the so-called high value women in particular.

Most often, I could not always tell if a woman is of high value just by looking at her, but I would know it by the sudden change of attitude that would occur in these men as they encounter such a woman.

They suddenly become very polite, they want to help her, they want to serve her, and just want to be seen by her.

I would see a mix of admiration, desire, and intimidation in their eyes when they come across a high value woman.

A naive conclusion that we could all jump to would be that beautiful women are the ones treated like that, but trust me I encountered enough high value women to tell you that it is not the looks, although looks contribute to it, high value women are attractive to men beyond their looks.

There is simply an aura about them.

It always intrigued me and I really wanted to understand what exactly makes these men so crazy about high value women.

After years of attentive observation, I think I have nailed it down.

I understood that what men really lust after is women who fulfill their fantasies…and it just happens that high value woman fulfill a lot of these fantasies ( most of which are unconscious).

When it comes to women, most men surprisingly share similar fantasies which are shaped by childhood dreams but also by their own instincts as men.

They want to be admired.

They want to be someone’s hero, learn more about the hero instinct more. They want to be protectors and they want to compete and win. It just so happens that a high value woman embodies all these fantasies at once.

So what is the meaning of a high value woman?

Let’s get this straight, people are not born high or low value…so it’s not something these women are born with.

If you are reading this blog post, you probably are a woman who wants to become high value. …

This blog post will explain that the meaning of a high value woman has everything to do with her mindset and her attitude and very little to do with the looks she is born with.

What are the top traits of a high value woman?

Without further ado, here are the top 8 traits that will make you a high value woman

1. A strong self-esteem from the inside

A high value woman knows her worth, plain and simple.

She radiates confidence and self-esteem and people get drawn to her by an invisible force that comes from the inside.

She does not derive her sense of self from external things like her social or her relationship status nor her success,

but rather from how she feels about herself inside and the value she bring to herself and the people around her.

For example, she can lose her job in a top-tier company but still be a good friend, a good daughter, and feel great about herself…the job is an external thing that she never relied on to define who she is as a person.

A high value woman is well aware of her worth and does not seek validation from anyone but herself.

She welcomes criticism as it does not hurt her feelings but rather gives her an opportunity to grow and improve.

So my number one advice for you to begin your transformation into a high value woman is to work on your self-esteem from the inside.

Here are 6 things you can do to boost your self-esteem:

  • Know your worth: The first thing to start from is to be clear on your worth, most people do not give themselves enough credit for who they are and what they have accomplished. When you do not know your worth, you are always selling yourself at a discount, and guess what? It only attracts discount hunters, so know your worth and attract the person you deserve.
  • Ignore people who undermine you, have the courage to get rid of them, because you really do not need them in your life. You need to realize that they are a real obstacle in your quest for better self-esteem…so get rid of them
  • Celebrate even the small wins. Learn how to praise yourself every time you accomplish something. Trust me every accomplishment is worth celebrating and you should never underestimate its value.
  • Take care of yourself…you deserve it just for the person you are. Take care of your health, your well-being, and your appearance.
  • Stop the negative self-talk and self-criticism, One of the worst habits that seriously damages your self-esteem is negative self-talk. You can assess your actions and your results but you should separate your identity as a person from the things you did wrong. These things do not define who you are, because you can always work on them and change for the better. Practice positive affirmations whenever you say to yourself that you are not worthy or not enough.
  • Practice gratitude every day, remind yourself how lucky you are to be alive and of all the good things in your life and the great people you have around you.

Strong self-esteem can only come from within ( This is what inspired my blog’s name btw).

if you are interested in the topic of self-esteem, check out my more in-depth post on how to improve your self-esteem.

2. Self Love


You can only be a high value woman if you overflow yourself with love.

So many women have no idea that they suffer from a love deficiency…not realizing that it is the source of a lot of their trouble.

They are constantly looking for love in other people’s eyes when the answer lies within themselves.

Loving oneself in a healthy way is not selfish but is absolutely necessary.

So how do you love yourself?

  • Put yourself first at all times and treat yourself with care and kindness. There is nothing wrong with that. How do you do it? By listening to your internal voice and what you really want. Most people who don’t love themselves dismiss the internal voice and are only left with other people’s voices to guide them. Naturally, they end up putting themselves last because most other people work in their best interest, not yours.
  • Make your health and well-being a priority and look after your body and appearance, because if you feel good about yourself, people will feel good around you. (eat healthy, exercise, study your body shape and choose the outfits that show you at your best, take care of your skin and your hair.
  • Accept yourself unconditionally with your successes and your failures and practice forgiving yourself for past mistakes.
  • Have compassion for your own feelings before anyone else’s. (If you feel sad because someone walked away from you, you should feel sad for your own pain and try to focus on how not go through it again, rather than how you can get him back).

People will treat you the way you treat yourself, so if you treat yourself well, people have no other choice but to do the same, because they will be out of your life otherwise.

If you are interested in the topic of self-love, you can check out my post on why you should love yourself first in order for someone else to love you.

3. She has a life


A high value woman is not waiting for a man to have a life….In fact, she is not waiting for him for anything really.

She has her own ambitions and dreams and is working towards them.

She is always busy planning things to do or spending time with friends and family, or just time on her own taking care of herself.

Men do not value women who are always available, not having much planned on their own…because it indicates that they are not doing much of their lives.

You do not have to have plans to take over the world in order to be a busy woman, the important thing is to not have all your attention on your man.

Do not fake it as it is not a long term solution…do the inner work…know yourself and what passionates you and go create a life for yourself.

4. She has standards and does not settle for less than what she deserves


A high value woman has high standards and she sticks to them ( You might be interested to read my top 10 rules that high value women never break).

Having standards and going by them is essential for your self-esteem because you are really putting yourself first when you set standards.

It is in human nature to take advantage of people who can accept anything, and men are no exception.

A high value woman already knows what she wants and she is ready to walk away if she does not get it.

Her standards are more important than any man or relationship.

She is willing to compromise for the relationship, but not on her standards.

The reason so many women either do not have standards or drop them very quickly as soon as they find someone is simply because they do not love themselves enough.

They are so in need of the man’s love that they are willing to accept anything in order to get it.

So the key to stick to your standards and find someone who truly meets them is to love yourself first.

In practice, you should set your standards before entering any relationship and let them be known early.

You should also have clear boundaries that you are ready to enforce or leave if these boundaries are not respected.

Be ready to walk away if standards are not met (I mean really ready to walk away, not just warning to walk away but staying there….you will just lose all credibility).

You should really only let in your life people who respect you and your standards.

And do not make the mistake of trying to change your man to meet your standards.

You will only get frustration and bitterness out of it because no one changes unless they really want to, you will save yourself and him a lot of time and energy.

5. She does not look for a guy to complete you


A high value woman does not need a man to complete her whether she is in a relationship or single.

She is complete by herself and is looking for a partner to complement her.

That is why she is not in a rush or desperately looking for someone, because she does not fear being alone.

She enjoys being single as she finds it ideal to connect with herself, reflect on her mistakes, and experience new things…. And she becomes even more attractive to men in the process.

Now, when a high value woman gets in a relationship with a man who complements her.

She makes him feel needed ( that is not to say she needs him and she would not survive without him, but she knows that one way to express her love to him is to make him feel needed and useful).

At the end of the day, men are really not attracted to really desperate women who need a man to save them from this “cruel” world but at the same time, they won’t stay in a relationship where they do not feel needed and wanted.

6. Femininity


To be a high value woman, you need to be feminine when you are with your man.

and note I am saying “When you are with your man”.

That is because each one of us has some feminine and masculine, so you do not need to suppress all your masculine side in order to be a high value woman.

In fact, you need your masculine energy in order to survive in an increasingly competitive world, but in your relationship, you need to learn how to switch to your feminine side.

In a relationship, a masculine man is looking for his opposite which is a feminine woman.

A man wants a soft, caring, and nurturing woman with whom he can lose himself. He is also looking for the woman he can protect, provide for and take care of because it makes him feel like a strong man.

When you surrender to your feminine side, you become naturally irresistible to men, and that’s a key characteristic of a high value woman.

If you are struggling with femininity and you don’t know where to start, here is an excellent program on learning about how to be surrender to your femininity and become more attractive by using your feminine energy. Check it out here.

Don’t Miss: Step-By-Step Texting Guide To Blow His Mind Away


7. She does not chase a man


A key trait of high value woman is that she never chases a man if he walks away from her, and this rule does not only apply to men, but to anyone in her life.

If someone walks away from you…no matter what he says “he needs some time” or “he is not sure about your relationship” or “it is not you, you are great, the problem is with him, he is not good enough for you” and the list goes on and on…do not chase after him.

Learn how to not listen to what men say, many of them do not have the courage to be honest and tell you how they really feel about you.

The simple truth is he is just not interested enough to be with you, or he already knows you are not the one, or he thinks you are not good enough for him.

So a high value woman understands immediately what the guy really means and just moves on.

She knows that she is not meant to be liked by everyone and that she will come across men who might not really like her after all and she is okay with it.


Don’t Miss: How To Create Attraction Through Texting?

8. She is a decent human being who cares for others


A high value woman is a high value human being in general.

She is a decent person who cares for others and treats them like she treats herself.

She is kind and generous with her time and energy.

She shows empathy towards people around her and offers her help when she can.

Naturally, she will care for her man and will expect the same from him.

To learn how to be more empathetic towards others. There is nothing uglier than a selfish self-centered woman.


When you are ready, If you want to step up your dating and relationship game, if you want to learn how to become a high value woman men adore, check out this self help program.

This program will help you understand the complex dynamics of romantic relationships and show you how to transform yourself in order to become high value.

It will take you deep into a man’s mind and psychology and will demystify what men really want and need in a woman.

You will be better equipped after the program to create the loving and secure relationship of your dreams. Check it out here.

Also, grab your FREE “Attraction triggers in a man” guide.


Thanks for reading this post,

The Secret To Making A Man Fall In love With You ==> His Secret Obsession
How To Drive A Man Wild About You==> Language Of Desire
How To Make Him Into You Through Texts ==> Text Chemistry


Category: Relationship

Roberta Carroll

My approach is eclectic and holistic with a focus on mindfulness. I have received certifications in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy (trauma), among others. I spent over 10 years at the Veteran’s Administration in Louisville, KY, working as a psychotherapist with veterans of all ages and genders on a wide variety of issues. Prior to that my focus was on young adults and their families and older adults dealing with loss. Individuals have met with me for help to address depression and anxiety, grief, trauma and relational issues as well as work-related/everyday stressors. The therapeutic process provides a safe place for the client, in collaboration with their therapist, to process distress, discover areas of “stuckness” and move forward into a life of increased meaning and joy. Accepting our imperfections and practicing self-compassion can be a difficult as well as rewarding process. I have lived and worked in different areas of the country, have come to understand how regional differences affect our outlooks and appreciate the contrasts. I have relished the opportunity to assist clients as they carry the burdens of life. It would be my privilege to hear your story.

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