
Dating A Millionaire: 7 Reasons To Date A Rich Man


Are you tired of dating losers? Do you feel you have more ambition than your partner and you are no longer attracted to him because of it? Well, the answer to all of these questions could be to start dating a millionaire.

Here is why:

1. Money will never be a worry again


Let’s face it, one of the biggest advantages of dating a millionaire is the financial comfort that comes with it.

That is not to say that dating a millionaire gives you access to his bank account ( and it should not), but does it not make dating a lot easier and more fun not having to worry about the costs of things and focusing more on enjoying each other’s company?

Dating a millionaire takes the small money headache out of the way, and I don’t know about you, but small money caused me a lot of headaches dating regular guys.

and don’t tell me that people don’t argue over money in relationships because the number one cause of divorces is Money.

It does not make you a gold digger to want to date someone financially secured, because you should not be dating a millionaire solely for his money, but while you are dating a millionaire, his money is part of the package.

Money is just an asset that happens to be a significant one in these millionaires’ life.

Some men don’t have much of it but have other assets that they don’t shy away from using to attract and seduce women so why would millionaires not use the money that they worked very hard for to seduce a woman.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and it does not make you a gold digger to be okay with it.


2. If a rich man wants you, you can be assured that he only wants you for YOU


I have yet to meet a rich man getting involved with someone so that they can split the bill.

But I came across a lot of men who were in a relationship because it was conveniently lowering their expenses, especially in expensive cities where rents and other expenses skyrocketed over the last few years.

The economies that being in a relationship allows are substantial for average men if you think about it:

  • Living under the same roof is twice as cheap as living by yourself (rent, expenses, food).
  • Traveling together is also cheaper.
  • It is much more costly (without any guarantees of success) to get sex when you are a single man than when you are in a relationship.
  • Being married or in a civil partnership reduces the overall tax bill.

For all these reasons ( and probably many more), men won’t admit it but tend to settle ( temporarily) for their second, third, fourth choice of women just to enjoy all these advantages,

while they are building themselves and preparing their exit when the time is right to leave that poor woman and go for the one that they really want.

Forget about your romantic view of relationships and marriages because you will be surprised how men become very pragmatic with their romantic choices to secure themselves financially (Not all men of course).

On the other hand, a millionaire would never settle for his second or third choice for economical reasons, especially if he is a self-made millionaire.

His mindset of a winner will simply not allow him to do it.

A millionaire has no other interest in you than just YOU.

He could not care less about how much money you make and how your income could contribute to building his wealth and financing his lifestyle.

The only reason a rich man is looking for love is to find love. 

I wish I could say the same for all men.

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3. Millionaires are smarter than your average guy


It takes a lot of intelligence to build wealth in this world.

And I am not talking about being book smart, I am talking about common sense and emotional intelligence.

Millionaires, especially self-made ones (most of them are), have on average more common sense, intelligence, resilience, and self-awareness than your average guy which makes them incredibly attractive and a real pleasure to be around.

To be honest, I think women also feel safer with someone who knows how to navigate life and has proven to be successful at it.

A millionaire is not the only man who knows how to navigate life, but it is definitely a common attribute among millionaires.

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4. Millionaires have confidence


Most millionaires have a lot of confidence. They would not have achieved their financial success otherwise, and I think it makes them very attractive (who does not?).

I actually don’t think that they derive their confidence from the actual amount of money they have but from their ability to create wealth in their life after overcoming all the obstacles (many millionaires have lost everything and were able to make it all back in a matter of years).

So it is not their money that gives them confidence, although it does not hurt, it is the person they became along the process of going after the money.

5. You have the same odds of facing relationship issues with a millionaire as with a regular guy


There is a misconception that if a woman is looking for a monogamous relationship with a good man, she should go for a broke one because the millionaire is an asshole and is much more likely to cheat.

I completely disagree with that.

Over the years, I came to see that there are assholes, cheaters, and liars among regular men too and that it is not the money that men earn which makes them behave in certain ways.

The money only reveals who men are and what they have always been.

You have the same odds facing relationship issues with a millionaire as with a regular guy. ( excluding money issues as you are very unlikely to be arguing over money with a millionaire).

It is true that rich men will always have more options to cheat and it will be easier for them to lie than average guys because of their money, but that does not mean that you are protected from that by being with a broke guy.

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6. It is at the grasp of any girl


Yes, you heard me right (or should I say you read me right).

This is another misconception that millionaires only date young supermodel-like girls.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, I have seen millionaires or even billionaires dating and marrying average-looking women.

This is not to say that looks are not important, looks are always important for all men, millionaire or not.

But you need to understand that there is a fan club for every type of girl ( different shapes, sizes, skin tones…and so on) among millionaires too.

The important thing for them is for the woman to look the best she can and uses her assets as best as she can.

Millionaires have high standards and they are looking for women who also have high standards and know how to take care of themselves.

So focus on becoming the best version of yourself and search for your fan club.


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7. Millionaires have exciting lifestyles


 This remains a personal preference, but if you are looking for excitement in your life, dating a millionaire can make your life very exciting.

Most of the millionaires are business owners, working very hard to earn their money and having their money work for them too.

They always have something going on (acquiring a new business, pitching to investors, checking their own investments…)

For that reason, their life is full of uncertainties but with that comes the excitement.

You won’t get that with someone working a 9 to 5 job doing the same job over and over again.

Please bear in mind that as there are reasons to date wealthy guys, there are equally many reasons to date a regular guy too, at the end of the day, it is just a matter of preference.

A final note


 You can see that there are many reasons why you should date a millionaire at least once in your life and see if it is for you.

So don’t waste more time and start by getting your profile on or free where you can connect with certified financially successful men. ( other websites can be found here).

On, Check for the gold membership or a certified millionaire badge (Meaning that the financial status of the members was verified).

Both websites are not a sugar daddy/sugar baby type of websites and it is made very clear on their first pages.


When you are ready, If you want to step up your dating and relationship game, if you want to learn how to become a high value feminine woman and attract high quality men, check out this self help program.

This program will help you understand the complex dynamics of romantic relationships and show you how to transform yourself in order to become high value.

It will take you deep into a man’s mind and psychology and will demystify what men really want and need in a woman.

You will be better equipped after the program to create the loving and secure relationship of your dreams. Check it out here.

Also, grab your FREE “Attraction triggers in a man” guide.


Thanks for reading this post,

The Secret To Making A Man Fall In love With You ==> His Secret Obsession
How To Drive A Man Wild About You==> Language Of Desire
How To Make Him Into You Through Texts ==> Text Chemistry


Category: Relationship

Roberta Carroll

My approach is eclectic and holistic with a focus on mindfulness. I have received certifications in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy (trauma), among others. I spent over 10 years at the Veteran’s Administration in Louisville, KY, working as a psychotherapist with veterans of all ages and genders on a wide variety of issues. Prior to that my focus was on young adults and their families and older adults dealing with loss. Individuals have met with me for help to address depression and anxiety, grief, trauma and relational issues as well as work-related/everyday stressors. The therapeutic process provides a safe place for the client, in collaboration with their therapist, to process distress, discover areas of “stuckness” and move forward into a life of increased meaning and joy. Accepting our imperfections and practicing self-compassion can be a difficult as well as rewarding process. I have lived and worked in different areas of the country, have come to understand how regional differences affect our outlooks and appreciate the contrasts. I have relished the opportunity to assist clients as they carry the burdens of life. It would be my privilege to hear your story.

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