
Tarot Card: Page of Coins Tarot Card Meanings


Page of Coins Upright Meaning

This card is traditionally entitled The Page, but in some modern decks appears as a Princess. This card’s energy has to do with learning about compound interest and abundance. Her attention is focused on learning the natural laws that pertain to natural synergies.

Whether the learning is about growing vegetables, the stock market or culturing new medicines in the lab, this Page wants to understand the underlying mechanism that supports the creation of results and abundance.

You may see this person in the position of the attendant or junior partner, but that is only a current appearance. That demeanor of humility or servitude will soon enough disappear, as her sense of mastery increases. By studying the example of those around her, successful and unsuccessful, she is building a game plan that will lift her from obscurity and make her successful in her own right. She just has to collect the necessary education and experience, which she is doing right now.

Page of Coins Reversed Meaning

The Page of Coins reversed suggests that you should not doubt or resist the impulse to be of service to others. Embrace the discipline that it takes and just do it.

You may feel like you are being coerced into it or that being in service is a role you don’t want. Perhaps you have doubts about the outcomes your labors are contributing toward. The reality is that you have to work to eat and you have to develop considerable skill in a profession before it can liberate you. Be disciplined — harness your will as well as your talent.

Page of Coins Advice Position

The Page of Coins (in some decks, a Princess) in this position advises that you study your chosen field seriously, gaining intellectual knowledge plus whatever experiential learning you can pick up as well. Listen to the stories of others, both their successes and their failures, and let yourself be inspired by their dedicated efforts.

Leave no stone unturned. See if you can figure out why their experiments went the way they did and what you might do differently that could change the outcome. Passionately hunt for the missing pieces overlooked by those who came before you. Remember that the mind of a beginner is an open channel for genius. Let that openness lead you and you will instinctively penetrate to the heart of the matter.

Page of Coins Love Position

With the Page of Coins (in some decks, a Princess) in this position, you are typified as a person who is reinventing her or himself to create a better fit with a chosen partner or loved one. The wise apprentice shapes him or herself to the needs of the relationship and embraces a lifestyle, not just a limited “job” description.

Such adaptability requires some study, some preparation — not to mention the actual experience of getting in there and wrestling with the challenge until you become skilled. As you improve your relationship skills you feel better and add value to your relationships.

Page of Coins Career Position

When the Page of Coins (in some decks, a Princess) is in this position, it is time to become a student again, especially in terms of the project in front of you. Take another look at your current career or work challenge as if it were brand new, so as not to be misled by conclusions formed in some other situation.

Yours is a project that is bigger than you alone. As you realize new insights, encourage coworkers and associates to come forward with their ideas as well. Honor their insights as they will help you re-frame the situation in new and helpful ways.

Page of Coins in a Yes or No Card Reading

The Page of Coins is a card of practicality. If you’re looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Page of Coins, the answer is YES. Think through each step of your process carefully.


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Source: https://numerologybox.com
Category: Tarot

Infinity Kelly

Infinity Kelly(she/her) is a freelance writer and astrologer who covers news, lifestyle, and entertainment topics, including astrology and relationships. She regularly contributes to elitedaily, Wooman’s Day, and YouGov, among other publications. When she’s not working, you can find her running, traveling, or scrolling TikTok. Follow her on Twitter.

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