How to get him back

24 Clear Signs My Ex-Boyfriend Still Has Feelings For Me


I was in a really rough place after the breakup. However, I managed to heal and right before I was ready to move on, something came up and initiated the spinning of the “wheel of emotions”. I started noticing some pretty clear signs my ex-boyfriend still has feelings for me.

I’m on a real emotional rollercoaster. I simply don’t know how I feel about him anymore or do I even want my ex back.

All of that left me pretty confused and overwhelmed. I don’t know what exactly my ex wants and why did he break up with me in the first place if he still had feelings for me.

Although most people think that the end of a relationship is the end of all the feelings as well, life usually has a way of proving differently.

Many couples choose to ignore each other after their break-ups, especially if they were painful (which is totally understandable). You know the saying, the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference. 

But on the other hand, there are some couples in which one or both of the people show some strange types of behavior that can be easily misinterpreted.

If you still have some inexplicable feelings for your ex then you definitely need The Ex Factor Guide. Get him back, you know you want to.

When this is the case, one of the partners is usually in doubt about whether the other person still has some unresolved feelings for them.

How Do You Know If Your Ex Still Has Feelings For You?

If your ex is reaching out again, if you keep bumping into him in the places you know he never goes to or if he talks about you with your mutual friends in a nostalgic way, it’s a good sign he still has feelings for you and that he has regrets about the breakup.

You should pay close attention to the little things, for example, his body language or his texting style. He won’t admit that he still has feelings for you directly for sure, however, his body and his actions, those little things I mentioned, will expose him sooner or later.

Given that you’re here reading this article, I suppose that you’re that person who still has feelings for your ex-boyfriend and now you’re asking yourself: What are the signs my ex-boyfriend still has feelings for me?

Perhaps he’s called you or texted you when he was drunk, perhaps he stayed in touch with your friends and family, or he just can’t stop talking about your past happy moments and all of this has made you even more confused than you were before, right?

Stop the confusion and learn right now what lies behind every little mixed signal he gives you – all you have to do is CLICK HERE.

Or maybe his indifference gives you the impression that he’s already forgotten you.

Maybe he’s already found someone else and you’re convinced that he’s truly happy without you but then something unexpected happens and you no longer know what to believe or how to feel about all of this.

You start rewinding all of your past moments and comparing them with today’s situation in the hope that you’ll find an answer, proof of his genuine affection toward you or a lack of it.

Whatever it is, you could live with it but you just need to know, right?

Because there’s no point in wasting your time living in an illusion that your ex-boyfriend still has feelings for you when in reality he doesn’t or does he?

Sometimes ex-partners do everything in their power to mask their feelings because they’re not sure whether the other person feels the same way about them!

And sometimes they’re not even trying to hide how they really feel because they’re really determined to win you back!

And here lies the partial answer to your questions: In the majority of cases, ex-partners combine the above two ‘strategies’ without even being aware of it.

This means that even if they’re acting totally off and indifferent, this doesn’t mean that they don’t have feelings for you and vice versa.

It’s really easy for one to get lost in all of this but trust me, there’s nothing to worry about because the following signs my ex-boyfriend still has feelings for me, which are described in detail, will help you resolve all of your doubts and release you from every trace of your confusion!

Now, if only one or two of the things mentioned below have been observed by you, they don’t have to mean a thing.

But if your ex has been doing most or all of this stuff, trust me girl, your ex-boyfriend hasn’t moved on and he definitely still has feelings for you!

He stays in touch

man talking on the phone outsideFor me, one of the first signs my ex-boyfriend still has feelings for me was when he tried really hard to stay in touch.

And don’t get me wrong, it’s perfectly OK to have a friendly relationship with someone who was your romantic partner.

After all, this was the person you shared a lot with, with whom you spent the majority of your time and who you loved intensely and it doesn’t mean that the two of you should be enemies after the split happens.

It is common for people to maintain contact after a break-up but if your ex stubbornly and determinedly insists on you two staying in touch, it is possible that there is something else behind that request as well.

Although there is always a possibility that your ex appreciates and loves you as a dear person to him and that is why he wants to keep you in his life, it is also possible that he is trying to keep you close to him because he wants to keep his options open or because he hasn’t accepted the idea that the two of you broke up.

The only way to decipher this enigma is by observing his body language and by paying attention to other signs in this list as well.

If the majority of the signs confirm that your ex still cares for you, then there’s no need to question it.

Also, you should be extra careful about this one because staying in touch with your ex can sometimes be quite harmful to your new potential relationship and that is something you definitely want to avoid.

He bumps into you all the time

man and woman talking outside during winterYou and your ex have been together for quite some time and that means that he’s familiar with most of your habits and routines.

He probably knows where you work, where your gym is, where your friends and family live and what your favorite places to go to are.

So, if you just happen to run into your ex-boyfriend everywhere you go, it is quite possible that this is not a coincidence, even if he tries to present it that way.

For me, one of the signs my ex-boyfriend still has feelings for me was the fact that I started encountering him too often. I realized that the guy is everywhere I look and that definitely couldn’t be a coincidence.

I knew that he had been going to the places I visit just because of one thing—he hoped that he would see me and maybe even talk to me (which is less creepy).

If this is the case with you and your ex-boyfriend, it is probable that he also wants you back but doesn’t want to admit it yet, so he chooses to meet you coincidentally, instead of actually calling you to go out for a drink or somewhere else because this would be a direct invitation, which he wants to avoid at all costs.

Another possibility is that he has feelings for you but is too big of a coward to admit it or maybe his ego is preventing him from doing so.

He may be afraid that you don’t share the same emotions, so he doesn’t want to feel rejected if he doesn’t get the signals he expects from you.

The bottom line is if your ex still loves you but doesn’t want to be the one to take the first step, he would definitely choose an alternative like bumping into you all the time, aka creeping on your every move.


He asks people about you

friends sitting on chair by the seaWhen you’re in a serious relationship for a long time, it’s likely for you and your partner to still have many common friends even when your relationship ends.

Although it doesn’t mean that one or both of you should stop hanging out with all of these people when you break up, this doesn’t seem like such a bad idea if you want to cut all ties with your ex.

Remember, if he still has feelings for you, your mutual friends, aka his middlemen, are the people who can serve your ex-boyfriend as a way through to you.

So, one of the undeniable signs he wants you back is the fact that he asks people about you.

Just as with the above ‘bumping into’ situation, he probably doesn’t want to reach out to you directly and that is why he uses the people you both know to get the information he wants.

It is also possible that he secretly desires for you to find out that he’s been asking about you and maybe he’s expecting you to take the first step toward reconciliation.

This way, he has the ability to see your reaction through these people without having to directly reach you.

Although this can also mean that he just wants to see what you’ve been up to, in most situations, it’s quite possible that he misses you and wants you back (especially if other signs confirm it as well).

One thing is certain, even though he may not even be aware of how much he talks about you, this means you are constantly on his mind, so he can’t help it.

He stayed in touch with your friends and family

man typing on iphoneBesides having mutual friends and acquaintances, when you are in a long-lasting relationship, it is quite common for your partner to be on great terms with your own friends and family members as well. 

And although you enjoyed that he had this kind of relationship with them when the two of you were together, this has probably become disturbing for you if you didn’t plan on getting back with him, right?

One of the first signs my ex still has feelings for me is the fact that he tries to be in touch and hang out with my best friends and some of my family members.

When the two of us were in a relationship, he had a respectful relationship with my family and that was it. But since we broke up, he made sure that this relationship intensified.

It is one thing if your ex-boyfriend is polite enough to say, “Hi,” to your family and friends when he accidentally sees them on the street or if he calls them to congratulate them on something but it is a totally different thing if he uses every possible opportunity to make contact with them.

One of the main reasons why he would choose this method to reach you is because he probably doesn’t have any other way of keeping in touch with you, so he tries to stay in your life indirectly through them.

It is also likely that these people are the only things he has left of you and he holds on to them because he’s lost you.

While hanging out with them, he feels like he’s still an active part of your life and it helps him be in touch with everything that is going on with you, without having to contact you directly.

He tries to find out things about you

man with casual watch and jacket standing outsideOnce people are completely over their break-up and former relationship, they move on with their lives right away. This means that they don’t have any interest in their former partner.

Of course, they want their ex to be happy but they don’t have a need to know about their lives in detail. But if your ex still has feelings for you, he will act completely differently!

He will try very hard to find out things about you, such as whether you’ve moved on, met someone new or if you still have feelings for him.

Despite your break-up, you are obviously still a huge part of his life and he wants to know everything that is going on in yours. 

If he tries to find out things about you, you will notice that all of a sudden this guy is madly interested in you, your hobbies, habits, the things you like and your whereabouts, even more so than when he was in a relationship with you.

When he contacts you, he pays close attention to everything you have to say, more than he did before or he uses every other opportunity to know more about your current life.

He does all of this because he can’t stand the fact that you two are a thing of the past and now he’s trying really hard to get back with you and to prevent you from meeting someone new because his heart simply wouldn’t survive it.

He is interested in your love life

black and white photo of man with tattoo on his forearmAnother of the first signs my ex still has feelings for me was his interest in my love life. He is trying really hard to get me to open up about my love life.

We started dating in high school, survived a long-distance relationship when I was studying abroad and faced a lot of ups and downs together. He simply knows he was the love of my life and he can’t imagine me ever being with anyone else.

Suddenly, he wants to know everything about the guys I’d been seeing or whether I’d stayed single. 

If your ex-boyfriend behaves in the same manner, you can be certain that he hasn’t stopped loving you and that he really wants you back!

He is afraid that you’ll find someone else and that would be devastating for him, so he wants to know whether you’ve put yourself back on the dating market and if you have, he would like to know everything about it.

He wants to know every detail of your new relationship, if you have one, but is probably pretending that he’s asking you about these things as a friend.

If he knows there is some special guy, he will tell you not to start dating him. If you are still single, he will do everything to find out whether there is someone special in your life.

He does all of this because it gives him a sense of control—he thinks he can prevent you from finding someone new if he knows all about it.

Of course, he is also worried that he might soon be replaced in your life and that would be the end of the world for him.

He simply couldn’t deal with the fact that he lost you so easily and that is why he’s so determined to keep fighting for your affection in both direct and indirect ways.

He goes back to your unresolved issues

man and woman sitting on stairsIf you and your partner broke up, it happened for a reason. But all of the problems and disagreements you two had should be forgiven and forgotten about when the end comes.

If both you and your ex behave like this about everything that happened in your relationship, it means that you’ve both moved on with your life.

But if he constantly tries to go over everything that went on between you two, it is obvious that your ex isn’t over you.

For him, the relationship that the two of you had is not only a part of the past.

He is probably telling you that he doesn’t want either of you to hold any grudges or to have any resentments and that is the reason for him constantly going over your unresolved issues.

But the truth is different. He still wants to get to the bottom of the things that caused you to break up because he hopes the two of you will resolve them and that you could get back together.

He is obviously still consumed by your relationship and that means he still has feelings for you.

He is jealous

man with glasses standing outsideIt is perfectly normal for your boyfriend to show certain signs of jealousy to some extent while the two of you are in a relationship.

But it can be a little bit strange if your ex-boyfriend started to show signs of jealousy now that you’re separated, right?

Although this may come as a shock to you, it is actually pretty understandable and it is a clear sign that he still has feelings for you!

Of course, it doesn’t have to be this way—it is also possible that he just has ego problems and that he simply can’t stand seeing you with someone else.

But if your ex behaves like you two are still together and has the desire to control your love and dating life, it is obvious that he still has strong feelings for you.

It is also possible that he will act friendly or pretend to be happy about your new start, if you’ve found someone, of course.

But at the same time, he might also use every possible opportunity to tell you that the guy you are with doesn’t deserve you and that you could do much better.

If he’s talking negatively about your partner in a direct manner, it is a strong indicator that he doesn’t have a problem showing you his jealousy.

But if he never actually tells you anything negative about him but somehow implies all of his flaws, it is likely that he knows he has no right to be jealous but he just can’t help himself.

He doesn’t follow the no-contact rule

man typing on his phone at homeThe no-contact rule is one of the most effective ways to alleviate pain and quickly get over someone after a break-up.

So, if you’ve been hurt in your past relationship, the best thing you can do is to follow the no-contact rule

It means that you should ask your ex-boyfriend to help you get over him by breaking all possible contact for at least thirty days.

This means no calls, no texting and him not talking to your friends or family.

If he agrees to all of it without much thought, then he’s clearly determined to help you succeed with moving on and he probably desires the same thing for himself.

But if you notice that your ex-boyfriend refuses to follow this rule, (even if he has promised to respect your wishes), it is a definite sign that he’s not indifferent toward you.

He’s aware of the fact that you want to avoid every possible encounter with him because you know it will be easier for you to forget him this way.

And he doesn’t really like it or approve of it. That is why he doesn’t follow this rule and uses every possible opportunity to contact you.

He’s afraid that he’ll be out of your heart if he’s out of your sight and he’s simply not ready to let that happen because, girl, he’s still madly in love with you!

So, instead of respecting your wishes, he is doing the opposite because he just can’t stop himself from reaching out to you.


He stalks you on social media

man looking on his phone outsideSocial media has made stalking and obsessing over someone easier than it ever was.

So, if your ex-boyfriend still has feelings for you, the first thing he’ll do is go visit all of your pages.

This will give him an insight into your life without ever having to leave the house or talk to your mutual friends or family. But be careful with this one!

Just because he hasn’t unfollowed or unfriended you from your social networks, this doesn’t necessarily mean that he still loves you.

It could also mean that he just wants the two of you to stay on pretty good terms and that he doesn’t want to be impolite by deleting you from his life so soon.

On the other hand, if he never misses your Instagram or Snapchat Story or if you catch his accidental ‘like’ on something you posted last week or last year, it is a sure sign that he’s definitely stalking you through social media and that he is still not over you, no matter how hard he tries to hide it!

He avoids you completely

silhouette of man sitting beside windowMany people think that being ignored and avoided by someone is a definite sign of their indifference toward us but in most cases, it is just the opposite!

Why? Because people tend to mostly avoid and ignore only those who are still close to their heart, because for some reason, they’re afraid to show that they still have feelings for them.

So, if your ex is over you, he will definitely be indifferent to you. This means that he shouldn’t have any trouble encountering you when it’s needed.

But if you see that he is avoiding events that both of you are invited to or he doesn’t even say, “Hi,” to your friends when he sees them, be sure that he still has feelings for you.

He runs away from you because he is afraid of his reaction when he sees you or someone close to you.

It is possible that he is not certain whether he should get back together with you but his feelings are not questionable.

Another possibility is that his pride doesn’t allow him to express his love for you, so he avoids you at all costs because he knows he couldn’t hide it if he saw you.

 He calls or texts you when you’re drunk

silhouette of man looking on his phoneThey say that people are the most sincere when they are drunk. So, your ex-boyfriend is not an exception.

You may think you are getting mixed signals from him because he always ignores you during the day when he is sober.

But as soon as he is drunk, you get a phone call or a drunk text message from your ex and you can’t help but wonder why that is so.

Well, it’s obvious that this guy still has feelings for you but he’s probably running away from them.

It’s also possible that he’s not sure whether the two of you would work out and his common sense is stronger than his emotions when he is sober.

But as soon as his blood turns into alcohol (as said in one of Ed Sheeran’s songs), he feels freer to express his true emotions.

When he is drunk, he can’t control himself and you are the first person he thinks about.

He has this strong urge to call you or text you and no matter how hard he tries to fight it, the urge always wins.

Also, it is possible that he is afraid of your rejection and that is why he doesn’t contact you when he’s sober.

But when he gets drunk, he instantly becomes bolder and decides to give it a shot, despite the fact that you might reject him.

He hasn’t been in a relationship since the two of you broke up

man with casual watch and jacket standing outsideSome people don’t like jumping from one relationship to another.

Instead, they like to take some time to get over their former partner and so they wait until they are completely ready to enter into a new relationship. And that is completely acceptable.

But if you and your ex-boyfriend broke up ages ago and he hasn’t had a relationship or a hookup since then, this is a great sign that he might still have feelings for you!

If he has dated some girls but never really had a serious relationship since you two split, it’s possible that he’s still holding on to you in his head and heart because he hopes that the two of you will reconcile and that is why he’s having a hard time finding a new partner.

He has put his life on hold because he expects you to call him anytime soon, so he doesn’t want to be with anyone else when that happens.

Another possibility is that your ex doesn’t really hope you will get back together with him but he’s still going through emotional and physical pain because of your break-up.

He is aware that he still loves you even after you broke up and doesn’t want to hurt any other girl by being with her while he still has feelings for you.

He acts like you are still together

group of friends having fun beside lakeBreaking up with a person you love is, undoubtedly, one of the hardest things to do.

So, in my past experiences, one of the signs my ex-boyfriend still has feelings for me was when he acted like we were still together.

If your boyfriend keeps sending you goodnight and good morning texts if he keeps inviting you to hang out, if he’s trying to flirt with you, if you’re the first person he goes to when he’s in trouble or if he expects you to contact him on a regular basis, that is a clear sign that he definitely hasn’t accepted the fact that the two of you have gone your separate ways.

It is certain that he still loves you and he just can’t handle the fact that he doesn’t have you in his life, so he subconsciously acts as if nothing has happened and he secretly hopes that you’ll give him a second chance.

It is also possible that he didn’t take this break-up as seriously as you did and that he chooses to see it just as an argument between you two, so he continues to act like you are still his girlfriend.

His strong feelings for you that are still present in his everyday life simply aren’t giving him the space to see things clearly and that’s why he sees the two of you as a couple, despite everything that happened.

His new girlfriend looks like you

woman leaning on man chest outsideMany men have a certain type of girl they are attracted to. But, sometimes the similarity between their current romantic partner and their ex-girlfriend is more than a pure coincidence.

If your ex-boyfriend still has feelings for you but chooses to find someone else despite that, that girl will probably have something of yours in her.

If he finds a girlfriend who looks or behaves like you, it means that he is searching for you in every woman out there.

He can’t accept the fact that you’re no longer his, so he decided to subconsciously pretend that the two of you are still together.

These similarities between his new girl and you don’t have to be obvious but there is definitely something about her that reminds him of you.

On the other hand, there also exists a possibility that everybody besides him sees how similar this girl is to you.

By doing this, your ex is trying to deceive himself that he’s moved on with his life even though he hasn’t and he still wants to at least have a piece of you by his side because he’s still totally crazy about you!

He takes responsibility for everything he’s done to you

photo of man from back with tattoo on his neckWhen you are in a toxic relationship abounding in manipulation, fights and everything else that is bad, it’s pretty challenging to have a clear perspective of things.

You probably had a boyfriend who wasn’t treating you right in one way or another but he acted like he never saw a problem in his behavior toward you.

But now, since you and he have broken up, it’s like he suddenly sees all the mistakes he made in your relationship.

And not only that, but he also feels sorry for everything he’s done to you.

Out of nowhere, you have a man who’s taking full responsibility for his words and actions for the first time in his life.

And you don’t know what to think about it or how to feel about it.

Although there is a possibility that he just wants you back because you were a perfect victim for his emotional manipulation or because he has finally realized that he has done you harm and now he is feeling guilty for it, the most likely scenario is that he still has some deep feelings for you.

This man took you for granted for most of your relationship but when he lost you, he realized how much he actually cared about you and he can’t imagine living his life without you.

You two breaking up has helped him see all the mistakes he made and now he’s ready to move mountains just to get back on track with you and to make things right.

He has probably seen how toxic his behavior was and he saw that you are a girl he is not ready to lose, so he’ll do anything in his power to win you back!

He takes care of you and your needs

man put his arm on woman's shoulderIt is always nice if your ex-boyfriend is polite and wishes you all the best even after your break-up.

But you need to keep in mind that he’s not your partner anymore and therefore, it is not his duty to take care of your well-being.

So, if your ex-boyfriend puts an extra effort into looking after your needs, it is quite likely his emotions for you are still strong!

It is totally normal for him to pick up the phone from time to time if you ask him to help you with something but if he goes the extra mile just to please you, there’s definitely more about his feelings than he’s telling you.

This guy is constantly at your disposal and he’s ready to do whatever is in his power just to make your life more comfortable and to help you.

He worries about you and he worries the same way he did while you were in a relationship.

Your ex is concerned about things that look trivial at first glance—he worries whether you’ve eaten, if you have had enough sleep or if you are cold.

Now, you may think that he is just being a gentleman but let’s face it—things like these shouldn’t be any of his business anymore.

But this man obviously has strong feelings for you and he needs to know if you are OK.

His love for you is so intense that he can’t imagine being happy if there is something wrong with you, even if you guys are not together anymore!

His non-verbal gestures

man covering face with scarfSometimes, people don’t have to say a single word for their real emotions to be revealed.

No matter how hard someone tries to hide their true feelings, the non-verbal signs are always there to tell you the truth.

So, if you are wondering: “What are the signs my ex-boyfriend still has feelings for me?” then the first thing you should do is look at him carefully every time you two meet.

Is he indifferent when he looks at you or does it look like you’ve brightened his day? If his eyes are shining and he can’t help but smile (even if he tries hard to keep a serious face when he sees you), he definitely still has feelings for you.

It is possible that he would like to hide those emotions but the eyes never lie.

Also, if he looks you deep in the eyes when he’s talking to you, he’s probably trying to read your feelings through them and he’s trying to see whether you still love him back or not.

If he gets extra touchy whenever he’s around you, it’s his body’s natural reaction to you.

He simply has the need to feel your presence and to touch you without even being aware of it.

It’s simple—if your ex misses you, you’ll be able to tell by his non-verbal gestures because they reveal everything he tries to hide!

See also: 6 Texts You’ll Regret Sending Him After The Break-Up

His social media reveals his suffering

worried man with sunglasses looking downAlthough it’s questionable whether social media can reveal someone’s personality, it’s clear that it can tell you a lot about a person.

There are numerous cases where people choose not to delete every trace of their former partner from their social network accounts because they see these people as a part of their lives and don’t want to delete all the beautiful memories they shared with them.

But in most cases, if your ex keeps all of your pictures in which the two of you are happy and in love, he does it because he expects a reconciliation.

It is likely that he can’t accept the fact that the two of you are no longer together and deleting all traces of your existence on his social profiles would mean a reality check for him.

Also, if he keeps posting sad status updates or songs that talk about a painful break-up, he does it because he hopes you’ll see them.

He wants you to know that he still loves you and that he misses you but doesn’t want to be direct about it.

By subtly letting you know that he wants you back in his life, he secretly hopes you’ll reach out to him first!

He tries to make you smile

smiling man looking at woman laptop at cafeEvery man knows that the best way to win over a girl is to make her smile. It’s the same with winning a girl back.

So, if your ex goes the extra mile just to make you smile (instead of trying to make you jealous ), it is obvious that he enjoys seeing you happy but also that he’s trying to find a way to your heart.

Neither of these would be important to him if he didn’t have any feelings left for you.

This man knows you to the core, so consequently, he knows what the things are that amuse you and make you laugh and he will use this knowledge to get under your skin and to get you closer to him.

If he assumes that you are still angry at him and that you still hold some grudges, he will try to avoid the hard topics and try to establish casual communication with you.

And is there anything more effective than humor? ( I didn’t think so.)

When he sees that you can’t help but smile at his jokes, for him, it means that you’ve let your guard down and that he can finally start talking to you about getting back together.

Until then, your ex will refuse to talk to you about anything serious. Besides, making you smile is good for his ego too.

He knows that it is quite difficult to win a girl back, so he will want some reassurance and motivation to keep on going and your smile is just what he needs!

He keeps talking about your shared memories

man and woman talking near green fence beside houseEvery relationship has its good and bad days and that is perfectly normal.

After a couple breaks up, that is a perfect chance for both of them to look at everything that was going on in the relationship from a more realistic point of view.

But if one of the partners still has feelings for the other person, they only remember the good times and quickly forget everything that led to the break-up.

So, if your boyfriend still loves you, he definitely doesn’t think about anything negative that happened in your relationship.

Instead, the only memories in his mind are the beautiful ones, like the last time you made love, laughed together or similar.

So, he thinks his best tactic to win you over is by reminding you of all the things you went through together, so you could feel the same nostalgia he’s been feeling.

He will use every means to do this—he will talk to you about all the happy moments, he will show you pictures of the two of you together or he will play you some songs that should remind you of happier times.

But, be careful—you could easily fall into his trap by forgetting all the bad things that also happened between you two and you could start romanticizing your former relationship, the same way he does.

It is OK to get back with your ex but only if you really want it and if you can be realistic about everything that happened between the two of you. Any other way is just deceitful for both of you.

He uses sexual connotations

man without shirtWhen a guy wants you back, it is natural that he will want to sleep with you again.

So, he’ll try to get into your pants one way or another and he will be sexually connotative while doing so.

He’ll remind you of all the wild moments you had together and he will use the passion you might still be feeling for him in order to get you back. Here is where you have to be extra careful!

Just because you have the desire to sleep with your ex-boyfriend again, it doesn’t mean that you also truly want to be in a relationship with him.

But if you sleep with him and decide it will be only about sex, it will be easier for you to get emotionally attached to him once again.

Besides, you should be careful about whether this guy just wants to get into your pants and remember the old days or if he really misses all of you, including your body.

You should never allow yourself to be just someone’s booty call, if you have stronger feelings for that person. That is especially the case with your ex-boyfriend.

He isn’t willing to give you your stuff back

man drinking on yellow cup while reading bookAll post-break-up advice will tell you to get rid of all the memories that connect you to your former partner if you want to move on from them for real.

Many of these memories are connected to your ex-lover’s belongings.

But what if your boyfriend avoids giving your stuff back to you, thus making you even more confused? For me, this is one of the obvious signs my ex-boyfriend still has feelings for me.

If your ex isn’t the one who wanted to give you your things back the day you parted, it is possible that he is waiting for you to call him about it the next day (or the next month), so he can use it as an opportunity to talk things through.

This can also mean that he’s holding on to these things because he can’t handle the fact that he doesn’t have you.

So, he’s happy to at least have some things that once belonged to you.

Your stuff reminds him of you and everything the two of you had and he doesn’t want to lose it, the way he lost you

It is also possible that your ex still isn’t ready to accept that the break-up happened and that he expects you to go back to him, so this may be the reason he thinks it is not necessary for you to have your stuff back.

He’s showing you negative emotions

thoughtful woman sitting outsideNo matter how weird it sounds another good sign that your ex still loves you is the fact that he’s showing you negative emotions.

If he talks badly to people about you behind your back or insults you indirectly whenever he has the chance, you probably assume that this means that he hates your guts and that he can’t stand to look at you.

But what you have obviously forgotten is that the line between love and hatred is very thin and blurry.

This guy probably still loves you but he doesn’t know how to project his emotions properly and therefore, he behaves in this toxic, negative way. 

It is clear that he hasn’t moved on with his life just yet and that he’s still overly consumed with your relationship, one way or another.

Whatever is in question, it is more than obvious that your ex-boyfriend still has strong feelings and unresolved emotions for you, no matter what those feelings are.

The bottom line is when you see that your ex-boyfriend is completely indifferent toward you and that he shows no emotions for you whatsoever; only then will you know that he’s totally over you and that he has moved on with his life for good.

But any other emotion is a potentially strong indication of his feelings toward you!

In A Nutshell

I was the dumpee, so you get that the breakup hit me hard. I really loved that man and I was completely sure that he’s the one, the man I will marry and spend the rest of my life with.

Still, after some time I had to come to the terms with the fact that I was so wrong. I had to get myself together, heal and get the strength to move the hell on with my life.

I respected all of the no-contact rules after the breakup and spent a lot of time on self-improvement. I was really focused on my healing process and I was one step away from the moving-on phase.

However, my ex decided to ruin it for me and hurt me one more time. He called and apologized for everything he’s done. He even invited me to hang out sometimes. After that call, I started noticing all of the other pretty obvious signs my ex-boyfriend still has feelings for me.

I hope these signs will help you figure out whether your ex still cares about you or not. And no, don’t ask me what I decided or do I want my ex back.

My heart and my mind are all over the place right now and that kind of decision will definitely take some more time. And now, a counterquestion, are you ready to let your ex back into your life?


Category: How to get him back


Clinical Psychologist and Counseling Psychotherapist, Child Psychologist, Relationship Counsellor, Geriatric care, Neuro-Psychologist

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