Abandoned Place

Virgil’s House of Technology – Abandoned House


For 20 years, this property has been left abandoned in Birmingham, Alabama. The previous owner named Virgil built this home in the 1970s for his family. Virgil’s fascination with computers and electronics can been seen throughout the house. Maybe one day, someone will return.

House on the Hill

Virgils House of Technology

Virgils House of Technology
The fake flowers in the living room were covered in spider webs too.

Virgils House of Technology

House on the Hill

Dishes left behind in the kitchen sink 

Virgil's House of Technology
The kitchen cabinets were full of bills and receipts like this bank deposit slip from Birmingham Trust National Bank.


Virgil's House of Technology
A prescription bottle from Eckerd’s


Virgil's House of Technology
One of the bedrooms in the rear of the house.


Virgil's House of Technology
A dusty ceramic Star Wars mug

Virgil's House of Technology

Virgil's House of Technology

A forgotten Ford Mustang sits under the carport of the home. 

House on the Hill
I met this guy on the trek back down the hill.

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Source: https://numerologybox.com
Category: Abandoned Place

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