How to get him back

Will He Regret Losing Me? 7 Signs He Will & How To Make Him


Will he regret losing me? That’s the most frequent question every woman asks herself after ending a relationship.

In fact, some of us don’t even ask ourself, we take that question and turn it into a vow. We swear to God that he WILL regret losing us. Well, that’s anger and hurt talking.

That’s not exactly what we feel at that moment. It’s more of a vindictive instinct rather than a true feeling.

After a breakup, heartbreak is inevitable. We feel pain, regret, and we often refuse to talk to anyone about it. We mope around, wondering how it all got to the point we are at now. That can get pretty frustrating.

One moment, you have a best friend and a potential soulmate by your side, and the next, you’re completely alone.

The next moment he’s neither your best friend nor a potential soulmate any longer. His title has become ex-boyfriend, your ex-boyfriend definitely responsible for losing you (as he will realize later on).

So, yes… I have the answer to your question and the answer is YES! He WILL regret losing a damn good woman like you (assuming he still has feelings for you).

Stay with me to find out how to recognize when that moment comes.

How Long Does It Take A Man To Regret Losing You?

worried man talking on his phone in living roomMost men don’t feel regret immediately but they need more time to start feeling remorse. Usually, it takes a man around one to six months to start regretting losing you (if he was the one who initiated the breakup).

The same thing applies to men who didn’t initiate the breakup. If a man still has feelings for you, chances are that he will show remorse around one to six months regardless of who ended things. These are the keywords: If he still has feelings for you.

If he’s a narcissist (read: a player), then you can’t expect him to regret losing you unless his behavior changes in the meantime. The math is simple here, right?

Do Guys Regret Losing A Good Girl?

A straightforward YES. Guys do regret losing a good girl assuming they still have feelings for her. Guys will regret losing a good girl if they genuinely cared about her in a relationship and if they appreciated and respected her.

After all, it takes a real man to realize that he’s lost a good woman. If he was taking you for granted in a relationship, then you can be sure that he wasn’t aware of your real value.

If a guy didn’t value your presence, he will not regret losing you because he won’t be aware of the fact that he lost something valuable.

In a nutshell, guys regret losing a good girl if they know how to appreciate the company of a good woman. If they don’t, they will not regret anything because they’ll be solely focused on themselves.

What Makes A Man Regret Losing You?

smiling couple watching TV while holding glass of wine in living roomOne of the most common things that makes a man regret losing you is finding out that you’re with someone better than him.

The thing with the majority of guys is that when a relationship ends, they are convinced that you’ll never find someone as good as them.

So, when he realizes how unrealistic and foolish this belief is, he’ll instantly regret losing you.

Here are more things that make a man regret losing you:

Other women don’t measure up to you

Comparing you with other women is totally normal because we all do that. We all compare our exes with new potential partners.

If other women don’t measure up to you, you can’t be sure that he’ll regret losing you sooner than you expect.

The realization that he screwed it up

Sometimes, men are not even aware of what exactly happened and why you two broke up in the first place. When he realizes that he did something that screwed things up, he will instantly start feeling remorse.

However, don’t expect this to happen too soon. It will take time for him to sort out his feelings and figure out how things ended and why they ended like that. Once he’s done with analyzing, the regret will be inevitable (if he knows that he’s the one to blame).

Feeling lonely

Perhaps he was so excited about being single again but now that he is, he can’t help himself but feel lonely.

A lot of guys fool themselves by thinking that the grass is greener only to end up feeling isolated and regretting breaking up with you.

When that happens, he’ll do his best to reach out to you and try to win you back. Now the question is: Will you let him do so?

RELATED: Dumper Stages – Inside The Mind Of The One Who Initiates A Breakup

Seeing you find someone better

back view of man looking at citySeeing you find someone better after a breakup is every guy’s biggest fear. Why? Because every man wants to feel like he is (was) the best for you and that you will never find anyone like him. Why?

Because men are competitive by nature. They enjoy feeling like they’re the strongest, the hottest, or the smartest. When you find someone better than him, this will be a direct attack on his ego.

So, when that happens, he will regret losing you. It will make him realize that you can do so much better than him and he’s the one who lost a high-value woman.

Being unable to stop thinking about you

This one is hard to explain, but when we break up with someone, we tend to think about them more than before. This usually happens when we still have feelings for them and we’re forcing ourselves to move on.

If he’s unable to stop thinking about you, your smile, your cute habits, and all those things that he liked about you, he will start regretting losing you.

The truth is, the more you’re on his mind, the more he’ll regret losing you.

The realization that he also lost his best friend

If you were both best friends and lovers, I can guarantee you that he will regret losing you. Sadly, most men don’t even realize that by breaking up with you, they’ve also lost a best friend.

Once he realizes all that, he will regret losing you. He will miss being pals with you, sharing things with you, asking you for advice, and so on. Also, he will know how hard it is to find a best friend which will only multiply his regret.

The sense of finality

This is my personal monologue a few years ago: Will he ever regret losing me? Oh yes, he will regret losing me. He will regret breaking up with me once I apply the No contact rule.

And I was TOTALLY right about it! The thing with guys is that they need some time to realize it’s really over. When you all of a sudden cut all communication, the sense of finality starts to hit them to the core.

That’s when they start questioning their decision to break up with you in the first place. That’s when regret becomes unbearable.

How Do You Know When A Guy Regrets Losing You?

smiling business woman typing on her laptopYou know a guy regrets losing you if he contacts you often, talks about you with your mutual friends (or your best friends), posts ambiguous content on social media that indicate how much he misses you, and similar.

If the following signs resonate with him, then you know he TOTALLY regrets losing you:

He calls and texts you often

Although he broke up with you, he is still in contact with you. That’s when you ask yourself: Will he regret losing me (or does he already regret losing me)?

This can be interpreted in two ways:

  • Firstly, maybe he really doesn’t have any romantic feelings left for you but he wants to remain friends. He wants to keep what you had alive and turn it into friendship.
  • Secondly, it’s very possible that he truly regrets his decision and that’s why he’s calling and texting you.

It’s very possible that all the friends stuff is pure BS and the true intention behind his behavior is simple—he wants you back.

The only way you’re going to find out what his intentions are is if you carefully look at his behavior and the reason why he chooses to do something related to you.

Ask yourself the following questions: Why is he calling me? How often is he messaging or calling me?

Is he calling you right after you broke up or a few weeks after? The last question is particularly important.

The time he’s calling you has a great influence on what is really going on inside his mind.

For example, if he’s calling you right after you broke up, or the day after or even a week after, he is probably feeling guilty, which means it’s not real regret.

But if some time passes, two weeks or more, and he starts to call you then you should probably start thinking in ‘ex regret’ mode.

He knows he screwed things up with a good woman

Some men don’t know how to appreciate something they have at that exact moment. At that time, he has no idea he will be regretting whatever hasty decision he is making.

After breaking up with you, he will remember how spending time with you and all those little things made his life more meaningful.

For some reason, he has given up on everything you had and now he aches for the serious, long-term relationship he had with you. Trust me, he probably spends a lot of time thinking about how he screwed it all up.

Maybe the timing wasn’t right for him, maybe he was too inexperienced to invest his time and love in you.

Whatever the reason is and it’s possible that he didn’t even have a reason, he is crying over the true love he once had.

He became a loner

man cheering beer at the clubOver time, he has retreated into his own life. Whether in real life or on social media life, he tends to operate situations all by himself.

What does that mean? He stays away from people and he does everything he can all by himself.

He simply went ‘no contact‘. And why is he doing that? Wait, will he regret losing me?

The simplest explanation and the one playing in your favor is he wants his ex back.

He is choosing to be alone to plant a message in your subconscious that he’s waiting for you to come back to him.

This could easily be classified as manipulation but desperate times seek desperate measures. And he is really desperate in trying to win you back.

Now he knows you can do better

‘I want you back’ is his thought exactly. When he was with you, he didn’t appreciate you. For some reason, he took you for granted and now he regrets doing that.

However, when he jumped into the dating pool, the tables turned.

Suddenly, he came to the realization that every time he would meet someone else, she wouldn’t be good enough, she wouldn’t be as nearly as perfect as you. (I’m not saying that perfection exists but you get the idea.)

But that is something I’ve already talked about. Most men don’t know how to appreciate the things they have in life until they lose them.

You are exactly the same kind of thing and now he regrets making that terrible decision of breaking up with you.

Although, somewhere deep inside his mind, he wants what’s best for you. He is well aware that you are so much better than him and that you can do so much better.

He goes on a drunken spree

group of friends having birthday in the clubWhile you’re asking yourself Will he regret losing me, something is bothering him and he’s drowning his sorrows in alcohol. He’s acting all crazy, talking to strange women in bars.

Naturally, his friends would say that he’s moving on, trying to find someone else because he’s completely over you, which is so far away from the actual truth.

Men who drink continuously and flirt with other women every night are men who are deeply unhappy. He is trying to fill the void he has from the moment he broke up with you.

This proves to be true even more if he drunk-dials you or drunk texts you. All of his ‘drunk text messages’ and drunken attempts to hit on other women are actually cries for help.

He will never sleep with anyone, nor will he hit on other women. The only one he wants is you and he’s regretting that he let you go in the first place.

His social media posts are ambiguous

His Facebook posts, his Tweets or his Instagram pics are designed to look he’s having the best time ever.

Don’t fall for the cheapest trick in the book. The harsh reality is that he is not having a good time, he just wants you and everybody else to think that.

Because the truth is far more complicated than it seems. The truth is he’s hurting and regretting he ever let you go.

That false happiness is designed to deceive people who don’t know him that well. You are not one of those people and if you look closely, you’ll notice that something’s wrong with his posts.

Maybe they even seem too happy, far happier than they should.

So, the next time you open up his profile to do some snooping, leave your emotions behind because he’s aiming right at them. He’s manipulating you into thinking he doesn’t need you and he never needed you.

The next time you ask yourself Does he regret losing me, know that he truly does.

He goes after your best friend for information

couple talking at homeWill he regret losing me? You know a man regrets losing you if he’s suspiciously close to your best friends and mutual friends.

He will stay in contact with you too but he won’t be able to ask you all kinds of information he wants to know about you.

He will want to know how you’re doing, your love life updates, and how you’re handling him not being around.

For that, he has a different plan. He’s coming after your best friend and not only them but all the people who know you and are around you.

Guys do that. They voluntarily stay in contact with their ex’s friends only to receive information about their ex-girlfriends.

To convince yourself that he is indeed regretting his stupid decision of leaving you, ask around to confirm your suspicions.

If he’s contacting your best friend, then you shouldn’t have second thoughts about your assumptions. This is a good sign that he’s trying to be closer to you and reunite with you.

Should You Reunite Or Move On?

woman sitting on swing at the beachNow that you know the signs he’s regretting he left you, you can decide what to do next. If it turns out that he is truly sorry he left, your decision is the most important one in that scenario.

Is he worthy of you coming back or are you going to move on with your life after having the closure that you needed?

Or is it the other way around? Is he cold-blooded and doesn’t give the slightest damn that you’re no longer together?

If that’s the case, you can take care of it without any fuss.

You can make him regret losing you. Before I write anything else, I want you to know that you shouldn’t give a sh*t about someone who deliberately hurt you or disrespected you.

But I’m a woman and I understand. I know that you’re burning with desire to get an answer to that question of whether he regrets losing you.

We all do, in fact. We are all human. We all have blood running through our veins and we all feel pain.

If this question doesn’t bother you then you have to think hard about if something’s wrong with you. Joking aside, if this is the first time something like this happened to you, read carefully how to make him regret losing you.

How To Make Him Regret Losing You

smiling man kisses woman hand at cafeWondering how to make a man regret losing you? Simple. Let him know that you’re ten times happier without him, remind him of the good times you had together and focus on enjoying your life to the fullest.

Here are a few ways in which you can make him regret losing you:

Get your ex-boyfriend back by bringing up the good ol’ days

Make him regret losing you by bringing up your old memories. Emotionally ambush him and leave him no choice but to want you back.

Play this tactic carefully because you don’t want to overdo it. You don’t want to bring positive emotions from your relationship back to make them look forced.

They have to be presented with ease, so he doesn’t suspect that you’re planning anything. Subtly remind him of the good times you’ve had and the places you visited.

Remind him of how you laughed together by bringing up the funny situations you’ve been in. However, involving emotions doesn’t have to be limited only to good times.

If you’ve been through anything bad together, remind him how you were there for each other when you needed each other.

It’s important to bring back the memories which will make him realize what a catch you actually are. Because flaws… we all have them. No one can guarantee him that he will find a girl whose flaws won’t bother him.

Why did he fall for you in the first place?

Once again, bring back the old memories but this time turn up your confidence to the highest. You had him once, you can have him again.

Is he the type of person who responds to a challenge? Does he like when you take the initiative?

Just think hard about what you did the first time. Maybe you’ve changed over time and he fell out of love with you.

I’m not saying that you need to play hard to get all the time in order to keep him interested. Just think about the things you did that made him fall for you.

Did he enjoy your sense of humor? Did he like the way you expressed your emotions? Did he fall for your adventurous spirit?

Maybe all he wants is that old you back. Take a look at what you were and bring that lady back!

Create new habits

smiling woman on bicycle outsideA surefire way to make him regret losing you is to make him think that you moved on. Now, how will you do that? You’ll do that by creating new habits.

When you were in a relationship with him, you probably spent a lot of time together, right? This is especially true if you two lived together.

You spent mornings together, you called him when you were on a lunch break, you cooked dinner for each other, and so on.

Well, all that is a thing of the past now so it’s time to create some new habits and routines that will let him know you’re doing just great without him.

Find time for self-care, go on a lunch break with your coworker (preferably male), go out with your friends, find new hobbies, discover new passions.

Once he sees that you’re busy living your life to the fullest, he will be wondering why you aren’t thinking of him. He’ll be convinced that you already moved on and this will trigger him to enter the regret phase.

Cut him off and go no contact

Here’s the thing, my dear lady. If you want to make a man regret losing you, he needs to actually lose you. Well, you can choose to stay in contact with him if you want to, but I wouldn’t suggest doing it.

By cutting him off and going no contact, you will let him know that you’re no longer available to him. Once you do that, these are the questions that will start running through his head:

  • Why did she cut me off?
  • Is she seeing someone else?
  • Did she already move on?
  • Maybe she never even liked me in the first place.
  • Obviously, she’s doing great without me.
  • Maybe I need to change, roll up my sleeves, and win her again.

In order to make him regret losing you, you need to make him question his decision to lose you in the first place. Cutting him off will do just that.

Change the way he sees you

une belle jeune femme avec des lunettes de longs cheveux noirsLet him know that your patience and selflessness have their limits. Don’t act too nice around him, don’t be needy, and don’t be pushy.

Stop contacting him and stop being easily available to him. Even if you want him back, don’t be super nice to him. Don’t be one of those girls who are too good to everyone around them no matter what.

Such girls are often underrated. Ignore him just to let him know that you will no longer be that same nice girl as you used to be to him.

You want him to see that he needs to deserve your time, devotion, and respect once again. And if there’s one thing men are suckers for, it is seeing you as a challenge and trying hard to catch your attention.

Level up your appearance

No, I’m not saying that you should level up your appearance only to impress him and let him know what he lost. You should do it for yourself as well because it will make you feel better about yourself.

Now it’s time to fall in love with yourself once again. It’s time to spoil yourself.

It’s time to hit the gym, get your hair done professionally, head to the nail salon, buy some new hot clothes, shoes, you name it. Also, don’t forget to post some new pics of yourself every once in a while.

Once he sees you in person or your photo appears on his newsfeed, he will be stunned by how awesome you look! He will also notice that you radiate happiness and positive vibes.

This will make him regret losing a woman who is beautiful inside out. He will start wondering about what makes you look so happy without him.

One thing is sure: The more he wonders about you, the more he’ll regret losing you.

Fill your life with positivity

une belle jeune femme assise sur l'herbe et en tapant sur un ordinateur portableEven if he left you, don’t be bitter. Don’t be sad and don’t let anything bring you down. Don’t think about those warning signs that he’ll never get back to you, or similar.

Have you ever heard that bad energy brings out the negative in your life? If you want to improve your mental health and life in general, then surround yourself with positivity.

When you’re thinking about something negative, odds are that it’s actually going to happen to you.

So, out with the negativity, in with the positivity.

Enjoy your single life while you can! Spend time with your loved ones, and prioritize things you enjoy doing.

Being positive and having positive thoughts will definitely attract good things to happen to you. It will also bring you a healthy relationship in the future.

You’ll even look different if you put your thoughts in order—you’ll become more attractive.

Will He Regret Losing Me: Chances Are He WILL

So, let’s wrap up everything we’ve been talking about. Will he regret losing me, you wonder? There are signs that clearly show that his decision was probably the worst one he ever made.

If you look at the signs and discover he is indeed regretting it, you can take the next step and eventually get back together.

On the other hand, it’s possible he is completely fine with the two of you breaking up. In that case, look for different solutions.

Regardless of your decisions or the final outcome, remember one thing:

“To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” Robert Morely


Category: How to get him back


Clinical Psychologist and Counseling Psychotherapist, Child Psychologist, Relationship Counsellor, Geriatric care, Neuro-Psychologist

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