7 Times A Man Will Deeply Regret Losing A Damn Good Woman
Usually, by the time a man realizes that he’s lost a truly good woman, it’s already too late to make amends and take back his mistake.
Regret is one of the most painful feelings one can endure.
There is nothing quite like realizing what a good thing you had when it’s already too late and you can’t get it back anymore.
When a man realizes that a good woman doesn’t come by as often as he would hope, a stream of regretful emotions rushes through his entire body and fills him with shame and sorrow.
Real love doesn’t knock on your door whenever you wish for it. Genuinely good people don’t just show up whenever you’re in need. Life doesn’t work that way.
So when you get the privilege of being around a woman who makes your every single day feel like paradise, you don’t let her go.
You keep her and watch over her. You nurture your relationship because you understand how rare and unique it is. The connection you share is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.
You appreciate her while you still have her. Because if you don’t, you are going to lose her.
And with time, you’ll learn to deeply regret it. Only then, she will already have moved on, and you’ll be praying she comes back… deep down knowing your prayers are in vain.
There are certain moments in a man’s life when the regret of letting her go hits the deepest, and knowing that there is nothing he can do about it feels like a bunch of knives through his gut.
7 times a man will deeply regret losing a damn good woman
Sometimes, people are just unable to appreciate the good things and people in their life until they’re faced with the possibility of losing them.
And when they realize what a horrible mistake letting that thing or person go was, there is nothing more they can do other than wallow in self-pity and regret.
When a man is hit with the brutal reality of losing a good woman and having to go on knowing what a foolish mistake that was, that is a bitter pill to swallow.
He will finally see that no other woman can compare. Nobody can love him the way she did. Nobody can understand the complexity of his mind the way she always could.
Suddenly, there is a void in his life and in his heart, and that is when he realizes what a good woman he had by his side, and that he gambled her away.
Only then will he realize the value and importance of that woman. Too bad it’s going to be too little, too late.
When he realizes that genuine people with a kind heart are hard to come by
She loved him with everything she had. She didn’t need a reason. He was all she ever wanted.
And instead of offering her the same in return, he took her for granted, and now he’s paying the price.
Unfortunately, nowadays everybody seems to have an agenda or an ulterior motive behind every seemingly selfless act.
Genuine people with pure intentions have become a rare privilege to stumble upon.
Nobody loves without asking for something in return anymore.
Everybody wants something from you, and when the harsh reality of this becomes too painful, he will realize how amazing the woman he let go was, and he’ll wish to get her back.
But it will no longer be an option.
Good women don’t just wait around for men to come to their senses. They will give you a fair chance, but if they see you’re not fully invested, they won’t waste their time.
And that’s when he’ll realize what a fool he was. When you have a good woman by your side, you don’t give up on her, because sooner rather than later, you will learn to regret it.
When he realizes that materialism is taking over and emotions are taking a back seat
One day, he will meet a new woman.
They will start a relationship and everything will appear peachy. She will love him and he will finally feel he has met a good enough replacement for the one he let go.
Only that fantasy won’t be long lasting. With time, he will realize that she is not driven by love and affection, but that money holds a much more prominent role in her life.
She does love him, but not as much as she loves financial stability and a luxurious lifestyle. And then, it will hit him.
The one he let go was nothing like this.
She was all about love and respect. Sure, money is important, but not as much as a meaningful relationship with the one she loves.
She would never let something materialistic trump her love for him. She was pure, genuine, and kind-hearted.
You could tell just by looking at her that there was nothing vain about her.
Just honest emotions and a desire to be loved back. And once he realizes this, it will suck, and he will have to live with this regret for a long, long time.
When he realizes she was the only one who actually listened to him with no ulterior motive
Having somebody you can have an honest heart-to-heart with is priceless.
And when you have that with a woman who is at the same time your romantic partner and your best friend, that feeling can hardly be matched.
So when he lets her go, he loses the only person who could listen to him and truly understand what he was saying.
Sure, many people can listen, but how much do they really care?
She did. She cared. She didn’t listen to reply, she simply wanted to provide him with the love and support she knew he deserved.
And when he realizes what he lost, he will understand how hard it is going to be to find somebody like that ever again.
When he realizes that there is more to life than parties and wild nights out
Every man will realize at some point that going out night after night is no longer something that fills him with as much joy as it did a few years back.
Sure, parties are fun, and drinking more alcohol than your body can take is hilarious and adventurous when you’re young, but at some point, you grow out of it.
You realize that life is so much more than those frivolous, temporary things.
Life is about finding that somebody who you can grow old with and share a similar mindset with.
It’s about enjoying the little things with the one you love more than anyone else.
And when that realization jumps to the surface, it will dawn on him that he had all that and more with the good woman he sadly let go. And nothing will ever be the same again.
When he realizes how patient she was no matter how difficult things became
When a man realizes that a woman who can endure all of his challenging times, distant moods, and silent treatments is the one to keep no matter what, it is usually when he’s already lost her for good.
Not many people will stick by your side when the road gets bumpy. Giving up is too easy and all too common.
And when he sees that all those women he tried to replace her with are but a shadow of the one that got away, she will no longer be there to soothe his soul.
She will be too far to care. She gave him his chance. She was patient and understanding.
And now she knows that if he can’t appreciate her while he has her, he doesn’t really deserve her in the first place.
When he realizes that he can surround himself with all the best people in the world, but nobody is quite like her
Friends and family are amazing. He loves them and appreciates them. He knows better than to take that for granted.
But nobody is her. Nobody can replace the bond they shared. Nobody can calm him down the way she could, and nobody’s smile makes his day brighter than hers did.
She is one of a kind, and replacing her is a mission that will never be accomplished.
All the good people in the world can’t measure up to the kindness of her soul and honesty in her eyes.
And all he can do now is hope that one day he meets somebody half the woman that she is. It’s a tall order, but one can hope.
Losing her was the stupidest thing he ever did, and now he’s paying the full price.
Source: https://numerologybox.com
Category: Dealing with breakup