For example, a Gemini and a Scorpio will have difficulties getting along, as the free-roaming spirit of the Twins can freak out the Scorpion, who needs a more grounded approach.
This does not mean that your twin flame relationship is doomed from the start, just because you (or your partner) belong to contradicting elements.
Astrology can still guide the two of you on your twin flame journey, simply in a different way.
In order to use astrology in that case, study your own sign, as well as the sign of your twin flame, in-depth.
Find out about your respective strengths and weaknesses, and try to figure out how to bring out the best in each other regardless.
Communication is key in every relationship, but especially when not being very compatible on a zodiac level.
Talk about your expectations, your needs, and your fears, so that you can learn how to love each other in the best possible way.
Twin flame separations are a nightmare. Seriously, the separation period is among the hardest things anyone can experience in their lifetime.
On the other hand, the separation period is also a very necessary part of a twin flame journey.
It’s where both partners go their separate ways in order to grow and evolve before uniting again.
Gemini can take the separation period to heart a little extra sometimes.
Their impulsive nature makes them want to quit all ties with their twin forever, but in the end, after lots of reflection, they will realize that it was a necessary step in order to grow.
Due to their sociable nature, chances are that Gemini might date other people during the separation period.
This is also necessary, as they will realize that nothing seems to compare to their twin flame.
A separation can have different reasons:
Whatever the reason, chances are good that the two of you will reunite again. It can take months, or even years, but you will be together again.
A twin flame reunion means you figure out who your twin flame is.
That’s an incredibly exciting time, you will have so much fun, but also learn a lot.
The idea is that your soul was split in two during reincarnation, and so you need to find your other half, or your twin flame.
For a Gemini, who is already a twin in and of their own, finding another person who connects to them in such a deep way can feel overwhelming at first.
This intensity of emotions is very normal for twin flames, though.
Gemini overthinks the connection, writing it off as purely sexual attraction.
Their rationalization doesn’t work for long, though, and soon they realize that they are in the midst of a twin flame reunion.
The excitement of the relationship is a Gemini’s life force. They love it.
On top of that, they thrive off of being so deeply connected to their twin flame on an intellectual level.
It’s as if all their dreams just came true!
Geminis are known to be adventurous in the bedroom.
Especially with the trust of their twin flame, they don’t shy away from kink.
Dirty talk, sexting, or even role play are anything but off the table when it comes to sex with a Gemini.
Geminis love kissing, and show that through passionate makeout sessions. During twin flame sex, this can take the experience to the next level.
Experiments are always welcome. No matter what it is their twin flame would like to try, Geminis are game.
When having sex with your twin flame, it will most likely feel like the best sex you’ve ever had.
Geminis are good at tuning into their partner, which makes the entire experience even more intimate and satisfying.
Sex can be almost transcendental, which can boost your sex drive in a way no other relationship has in the past.
Geminis can get pretty intense during sex, especially when they invoke a feeling of complete surrender in their partner.
Being in a twin flame relationship with a Gemini will feel like a magnet is pulling you towards them. There won’t be a moment you don’t want to be close to them.
These two signs have a lot in common, which makes them extremely compatible, both physically and intellectually.
This twin flame astrology combination could be both, a twin flame relationship and a romantic relationship, they just work!
As a Water sign and an Earth sign, the values of these two might differ.
That has no effect on their twin flame union potential, however.
These two have a high potential of bringing out the best in their twin flame partner.
As very nurturing signs, they like to take care of each other.
Air and fire, these two signs combine intensity with passion.
While being a bit different given that Sagittarius is spontaneous and Libra is more laid back, instead of conflicting, these two signs complement and balance each other.
A twin flame union between those two would bring out the best in each other.
As an Earth and Water sign connection, a relationship between Virgo and Scorpio is bound to be quite harmonious.
Some of their zodiac traits can put a damper on their happiness, however, so this twin flame union does not always work out.
These two signs are opposite on the astrological chart, and therefore balance each other out quite nicely.
Fire and air, they both love new experiences, passion, and adventure.
Together, they can teach each other a lot.
I’m sure you understand Gemini twin flame zodiac compatibility a lot better now than at the beginning of this article.
What do you think, have you met your Gemini twin flame?
If you have, good for you! Remember to keep your relationship exciting and stimulating for the easily-bored twin!
Of course, due to the sheer nature of twin flame relationships, boredom is not a very common thing you’ll feel!
Geminis are amazing partners, and your twin flame journey will thrive! Enjoy the ride!
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