And when I say “many stages,” I’m not just talking about common twin flame stages such as falling in love, conflict, crisis, or runner-chaser stage.
What I’m talking about is a series of experiences that you and your twin flame need to go through before you can be reunited as one.
In fact, some twin flames need to go through more stages in their relationship than other twin flames.
And although these stages might not all be the same, they’re all important.
For example, some twin flames need to go through a stage where they feel like they’re being pulled in two different directions.
For instance, you and your twin flame might be going through a stage where you’re feeling like you want to be apart from each other but at the same time feel that you need to continue exploring life together.
Why does this happen?
That’s because every twin flame journey is different. And each of the stages you experience may require more time than anyone expected.
For example, if a couple is still in the first stage of love, then they will probably experience twin flame separation when one of them starts to feel more intense emotions towards someone else.
And if this happens, the couple will probably separate so that one can heal and grow on his or her own while the other can keep the love in their hearts.
But the only thing you should know is that the more you separate, the stronger your spiritual connection with your twin flame will become.
Ever noticed that your twin flame sometimes feels like a child or an immature person?
Or maybe they aren’t emotionally mature enough to handle the responsibilities of a relationship?
Well, this is yet another reason why twin flames separate from each other more than once.
Sometimes one separation phase isn’t enough for twin flames to grow emotionally and spiritually.
And if the relationship isn’t based on the mutual growth of both individuals, then you should expect to be separated from them again.
Because in a lot of cases, twin flames feel like they’re still in the first stage of love and haven’t yet experienced anything exciting or big enough to cause them to feel like a mature person.
So, if this is the case, then one twin flame will stop growing spiritually while the other keeps growing and maturing.
And this can lead to separation.
And sometimes this separation happens so abruptly that both twin flames don’t even know why it happened until months or years later when they start talking about it again.
Well, that’s because they are emotionally or spiritually immature.
But the good news is that being apart from their twin flame is a great chance for them to grow and become more mature.
And the more they grow, the stronger their spiritual connection and bond become.
Have you ever found your twin flame questioning his or her future?
If so, it can be another thing that will help you understand how many times twin flames separate.
The reason is that questioning the future is a natural part of the twin flame journey where you experience the separate state a few times.
And usually, they start questioning the future in the latest stages of their relationship until they find a way to clear it up and reunite with one another for now and for all.
But why does this happen?
The truth is that when one twin flame has questions about his or her future, the other one usually feels like he or she is responsible for their twin flame’s happiness and well-being.
And this can lead to separation because of how much the first twin flame cares for his or her partner.
But if you feel like your twin flame is always questioning their future and what is going to happen next in their lives, then it’s a good sign that they are two people who are destined to be together.
And guess what?
The more times they are separated from you, the better they can become sure that they’re meant to be together.
And this is why they are always questioning their future because that’s the only way for them to be certain about it.
But when exactly will this happen? How many times do you need to separate in order to finally reunite with your twin flame?
Well, it’s hard to tell because it depends on your relationship.
That’s why I recommend getting a personalized reading by one of the gifted advisors over at Psychic Source.
I mentioned them earlier.
They’ve been a great source of comfort and guidance when I’ve faced issues in my love life, and their specialist advisers are well trained in the area of twin flame stages too.
So, what are you waiting for?
From giving you clarity on the situation to supporting you as you make life-changing decisions, these advisors will empower you to make decisions about your love life with confidence.
Click here to get your personalized love reading.
And the last reason why twin flames separate a few times is that they haven’t yet achieved the phase when they’re fully ready to reunite.
That’s the case when the timing isn’t good for one or both twin flames since they can’t be together like the loved ones they are.
And that’s because of how different their lives are and how this affects their ability to do things together.
And sometimes, these differences can even lead to separation twice or three times because of how much these two people want to spend time with one another.
So, what happens next? How long will it take you to be reunited with your twin flame? And what will it take for you to get back in touch again?
And most importantly, what’s the time frame for this?
Well, it’s different for everyone.
It depends on their relationship, and it depends on how much they’ve grown as people.
And also, it all depends on the situation.
Some couples who have been separated for a while only reunite after they’ve done a lot of soul-searching and self-reflection on why they split up in the first place.
And most couples who have been separated for a while only reunite after a lot of soul-searching and self-reflection on why they split up in the first place.
But one thing is for sure: once they’re ready for the reunion, it won’t take long for them to get together again.
Because twin flames feel intense loneliness when separated from one another. It’s as if a part of them has been ripped away.
The result?
They experience a deep sense of longing and yearn to be reunited.
Now let’s see how it’s possible for twin flames to finally reunite after a series of separations.
It’s not as hard as you think. It’s actually quite easy because your soul knows what it needs, and it will guide you in the right direction, even if you don’t know it yourself.
So let’s get to the point.
In order to rebuild a connection with your twin after a twin flame separation, it’s essential that you’re both willing to do what’s necessary.
You see, when two twin flames are separated and they’re not in touch or they don’t communicate with one another, it’s as if part of them has been ripped away.
And this is why the key to rebuilding the connection between you and your twin is for both of you to be willing to do what it takes to get reconnected again.
Keep in mind that after a twin flame experiences a separation, it’s natural for them to feel confused and disconnected. They may even have a difficult time recognizing the part of themselves that belongs to their twin.
This can lead to a feeling of being “empty” or “alone” when your twin is not around. You may even begin to think that you no longer have the ability to feel or experience love.
You may even begin to resent your twin for what they’re going through. However, the feelings you’re experiencing are perfectly normal.
You’re allowed to feel them. Your twin is allowed to feel them. This is part of the healing process.
But once you’re both willing to do what it takes to reunite, the universe will give you a sign that it’s the end of your separation.
The sign will be a clear indication that your twin is ready to reunite with you.
Now that you know that twin flames can separate twice, three times, or even more than this, you shouldn’t forget that separation isn’t the end of your twin flame journey.
Instead, they may go through many stages of separation, each one bringing them one step closer to finally joining as one.
But if you’d still like to get more clarity on how many times you will separate or when you will get back together, speaking to a gifted advisor is the best way to go.
I mentioned Psychic Source earlier. Based on my own personal experience with them, I know they’re the real deal. Their advisors are kind and genuinely helpful.
So, if you really want to get to the bottom of how many times do twin flames separate, get in touch with an advisor and take your future into your own hands. I did, and it changed my life.
Click here to get your own love reading.
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