Does Everyone Have a Twin Flame [How to know if you have a twin flame!]
Does everyone on the planet have a twin flame? The term ‘twin flame’ has become immensely popular, or at least it’s picked up quite a bit of popularity in the last few years. I mean, it even got a mention in one of Taylor Swift’s recent songs. I don’t know if any of you are Taylor Swift fans like I am, but in her re-release of her song ‘All Too Well,’ in the 10-minute version of the song, even she mentioned the term ‘twin flame.’ So many people are beginning to really look into what a twin flame connection is. Is it possible that I have a twin flame?
In this podcast, I’m going to share my thoughts on whether or not everyone has a twin flame, especially for those of you who are personally wondering, ‘Do I have a twin flame?’ But perhaps you haven’t yet met a person that you would consider to be a twin flame. So, we’re going to dive into all of that in just a minute.
Okay, so does everyone on the planet have a twin flame? Well, first of all, I want to preface this by saying I know that there are many different opinions out there about this, and my words here, my opinions here, are by no means the truth 100%. I always say that we are each on a very unique journey here in this life, on this planet, and I always advise you to listen to your own intuition above all else.
But here are my thoughts: First of all, I do believe that everyone who has the feeling of pull to the concept of twin flames does have a twin flame. And the reason I say this is because the things we are drawn to indicate where our intuition is guiding us. And I truly do believe that intuition is the compass of our soul. Whenever we feel drawn to something in this life, it is because, on some level, our soul knows unconsciously that thing, that person, that term is significant to us in some way.
When something simply flies under our radar or doesn’t interest us or pull us whatsoever, I feel that is a sign it may not be significant or important to us along our path. So, when it comes to twin flames, for many people right now on the planet, they might find themselves completely not interested or not drawn whatsoever to the idea of twin flames. And I believe this is a pretty good sign that either this person does not have a twin flame at all, does not have a twin flame that is incarnated at this time on this planet, or is not experiencing a twin flame path.
And what I mean by that is there are people who may actually have their twin flame incarnated on this planet at the same time. But if they have chosen, on a soul level, not to experience a twin flame path, meaning not to have this person part of their conscious experience in this lifetime, then they most likely would not be aware of this person, would not be aware of the term ‘twin flame,’ or even if they became aware of the idea of twin flames, it probably wouldn’t interest them.
Now, I do believe that if you are someone who either has met a person that you feel strongly could be or is your twin flame, or you are someone who has not met anyone that you feel is your twin flame, but you find yourself incredibly drawn to the concept of twin flames, I feel that is an extremely strong indicator that you do have a twin flame and that you are meant to experience this journey in some kind of conscious way through this lifetime.
That the idea of twin flames or being a twin flame is something that is going to be significant for you in this lifetime. Very often, when twin flames first come across the concepts of being a twin flame, the feeling of pull that they get to this concept, what I was referring to as really their intuition guiding them into the knowledge of this information, really what’s happening here is they are receiving confirmation for something that their soul has already long been aware of.
Because being a twin flame is much more than meeting a person, falling in love in a traditional romantic sense, having a relationship. This is an energetic bond to another soul, which is actually part of our own soul. Someone that we share an identical core soul frequency with. And because of this, we actually, from usually as far back as we can remember, have felt this connection to this other soul, to our twin flame, even long before coming across the idea of twin flames.
So really, when we come across this kind of information or the idea of twin flames, we are really just receiving confirmation for what our soul has already known for a long time, either about a specific person or about some kind of experience we are having within ourselves.
So, I know this is a bit of a shorter video, but this is a question I have been wanting to answer for some time. So, I hope that this provided some kind of knowledge or guidance for some of you who are tuning in here.
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Category: Twin Flame